Saturday, June 12, 2010

I'm back!

Hey guys! I'm so sorry for not posting for a while. I had a lot of assignments, and I mean A LOT. Now that I am back to blogging, I will now show you the cheats that have been updated today by Club Penguin! Today, Club Penguin posted about the new Nintendo Wii Game by Club Penguin. The game is called Club Penguin Game Day! That's right! Club Penguin have finally made a Club Penguin Nintendo Wii game for those who do not own a Nintendo DS or DSi. Here is a picture of the case of the game (Plus some extra pictures!)!

Now, here are some screenshots I got from Club Penguin...

Cool huh? I think it's awesome! I'm gonna buy it when it comes out in my country. Here is 3 pictures I got off Club Penguin...


Ok, now I'm going to show you the other updates that Club Penguin put up this week. The new Command room is so cool, and if you go into the "Test Room", this is where you can become a EPF agent. Here are the cheats to become one...

Firstly, you've gotta get a EPF postcard from a friend. If nobody sends you one, you can ask the crowd in town, and maybe someone will send you a card for free. Then, when you receive the card, hover over the card, read it, and then press the "Go there!" button. Once you arrive, you will be transported to the "Test Room" for testing, obviously. When the screen tells you to throw a snowball at the red target, do it.  Then, you will be told to go to the green square. Then, when it says go, run to the red square, so GO GO GO! When you reach the red square, walk off it. Now, this is the hardest part of the test, and, I figured this out, and nobody like Monchocho, or any other blogger knows the trick from hiding the cameras. So, I'm going to keep the secret a SECRET! Sop that means, I'm not telling you the secret secret to you's. That's up to you to use YOUR brain! So anyway, it will tell you to hide. You only get 20 seconds. this is where I hid...

Now, you have to wait until the cameras will find you. Then, they will be preparing a cage trap. The screen will tell you to go to the blue square. DO NOT WALK TO IT. I REPEAT, DO NOT WALK TO IT. Throw a snowball at it. The cage trap will be activated. Then, you have to break the trap. Throw a snowball at the panel. This is what the panel looks like:

And your done! It will start calculating the scores, then if you found out the secret secret, you'll get a perfect score!